بیماری‌های زنان برک و نواک | Berek and Novaks Gynecology 2020

بیماری‌های زنان برک و نواک | Berek and Novaks Gynecology 2020

سال و نوبت چاپ:

بررسی کوتاه:

  • 1 تک جلدی تمام رنگی ویراست شانزدهم 2020
  • 2 با تضمین کیفیت چاپ و صحافی 
  • %10
    3,006,000 تومان برای شما
    سود شما از این خرید: 334,000 تومان
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    گارانتی تعویض کالای معیوب
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    مروری در مورد این کتاب

    Covering the entire spectrum of women’s healthcare , Berek & Novak’s Gynecology, 16th Edition, provides definitive information and guidance for trainees and practicing physicians. A newly streamlined design and brilliant, full-color illustrations highlight must-know content on principles of practice and initial assessment, including relevant basic science; preventive and primary care for women; and methods of diagnosis and management in general gynecology, operative gynecology, urogynecology and pelvic reconstructive surgery, early pregnancy issues, reproductive endocrinology, and gynecologic oncology.

    Features a modern, two-column design throughout, for an easier-to-manage volume with unabridged content.

    Contains thoroughly revised, clinically-focused information, including a new chapter on violence against women and sexual assault.

    Offers authoritative discussions on current topics such as robotics, power morcellation, and gender identity issues.

    Includes key points at the beginning of each chapter that are annotated throughout; exhaustive reference lists for more in-depth study and highlighted top references; and updated illustrations and photographs.

    :Enhance Your eBook Reading Experience

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    Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech

    • شابک 9781496380333
    • ویراست 16
    • سال و نوبت چاپ اول/2020
    • قطع رحلی
    • نوع جلد گالینگور (جلد سخت)
    • تعداد صفحات 1256
    • مشخصات نویسنده/مترجم
      Jonathan S. Berek نویسنده مشاهده بیشتر
    • وزن 2500 گرم
    • کیفیت چاپ تمام رنگی
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