مامایی مایز 2018 | Mayes' Midwifery 15th edition
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مروری در مورد این کتاب
ویراست پانزدهم کتاب Mayes' Midwifery ، مامایی مایز 2018 برای رفع نیازهای دانش آموز مامایی امروز به روز شده است. این اثر توسط نشر ELSEVIER به چاپ رسیده است. اطلاعات این کتاب در سایت AMAZON به شرح زیر میباشد:
A new edition of a classic textbook fully updated to meet the needs of today’s midwifery student. Now available for the first time in full color, the 15th edition of Mayes Midwifery has an enhanced artwork program and comes with an extensive website which provides 600 MCQs and wide selection of case studies and reflective activities; a downloadable image bank assists with essay and assignment preparation.
- New edition of a classic textbook updated and designed for today’s midwifery student!
- Chapters authored by experts in their field, including midwifery academics and clinicians as well as allied professionals such as researchers, physiotherapists, neonatal nurse specialists, social scientists and legal experts
- Evidence and research based throughout to help facilitate safe clinical practice
- Learning outcomes and key points help readers structure their study and recap on what they have learned
- Reflective activities encourage the application of theory to practice
- Contains practice based tools and checklists
- Presents and discusses the latest national and international guidelines
- Associated website with over 600 MCQs, reflective activities to encourage the application of theory to practice, case studies and additional learning tools
- Downloadable image bank to assist readers with essay preparation and other assignments
- Suitable for use in normal community and midwife led arenas, high tech environments and more rural areas of clinical practice
- Brand new design - incorporating helpful learning features - aids reader engagement and retention of facts
ناشر Elsevier
شابک 9780702062117
ویراست پانزدهم/2017
قطع رحلی
نوع جلد گالینگور (جلد سخت)
تعداد صفحات 1222
وزن 1500 گرم
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