SAUNDERS COMPREHENSIVE REVIEW FOR THE NCLEX-RN 2020 | مرور جامع ساندرز برای آزمون RN تمام رنگی


بررسی کوتاه:

  • 1 چاپ تمام رنگی، تک جلدی با چاپ و صحافی تضمین شده
  • 2 شامل سوال 5200 سوال به سبک آزمون NCLEX-RN
  • 3 ویرایش هشتم 2020 مرور جامع ساندرز برای آزمون پرستاری RN آمریکا
  • 4.31/5 (8 نفر)
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    کتاب SAUNDERS COMPREHENSIVE REVIEW FOR THE NCLEX-RN 2020 | مرور جامع ساندرز برای آزمون RN ویراست هشتم سال 2020 که اغلب اوقات "بهترین کتاب بررسی آزمون NCLEX تاکنون" خوانده می‌شود، به طور کامل به روز شده است تا آخرین برنامه آزمون را منعکس کند. هر آنچه را که برای آماده سازی برای آزمون NCLEX لازم دارید فراهم می کند. کتاب شامل بررسی کامل محتوا و 5200 سوال سبک آزمون NCLEX در کتاب و برخط می باشد. این نسخه جدید شامل 5200 سوال به سبک امتحان NCLEX در کتاب و بصورت آنلاین است.

    توضیح کامل کتاب مرور جامع ساندرز برای آزمون RN ویرایش هشتم 2020 بصورت انگلیسی و در سایت آمازون بصورت زیر است:

    Get the tools and skills you need to prepare for the NCLEX! Often called the ‘the best NCLEX exam review book ever,’ Saunders Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-RN Examination, 8th Edition has been thoroughly updated to reflect the most recent test plan. This new edition includes 5,200 NCLEX examination-style questions in the book and online. A companion Evolve website includes thousands of questions that allow you to decide how you want to practice! Don't make the mistake of assuming the quality of the questions is the same in all NCLEX exam review books, because only Silvestri includes the kinds of questions that consistently test the clinical judgment skills necessary to pass today's NCLEX exam. Even better, all answers include detailed rationales to help you learn from your answer choices and test-taking strategies with tips on how to best approach each question. Written by the most trusted name in NCLEX review, this is THE book of choice for NCLEX preparation. But don’t just take our word for it ― read any customer review or ask your classmates to see why there's nothing else like it!

    • Over 5,200 practice questions in the text and online offer ample testing practice.
    • 75-question comprehensive exam covers all content areas in the book in the same percentages that they are covered on the actual NCLEX-RN test plan.
    • Inclusion of all alternate item format questions covers multiple response, prioritizing [ordered response], fill-in-the-blank, figure/illustration [hot spot], chart/exhibit, video, and audio questions to give students practice with mastering prioritizing, decision-making, and critical thinking skills.
    • Presents introductory chapters on preparation guidance for the NCLEX-RN, nonacademic preparation, test-taking strategies, the CAT format, and the NCLEX-RN from a new graduate’s experience.
    • UNIQUE! Audio review summaries on pharmacology, fluids and electrolytes, and acid-base balance are found on the Evolve companion site.
    • Expanded coverage of delegation, prioritization, and triage/disaster management in the practice questions reflect the areas of increased emphasis on the NCLEX exam.
    • UNIQUE! A detailed test-taking strategy and rationale is included for each question, offering clues for analyzing and uncovering the correct answer option
    • UNIQUE! Priority concepts call-outs highlight specific concepts related to nursing practice. Concepts have been updated to reflect the latest Giddens: Concepts for Nursing Practice text.
    • UNIQUE! More Priority Nursing Action boxes communicate new and pertinent content.
    • Question categories by cognitive level, client needs area, integrated process, and content area give you completely customizable exams or study sessions when using the companion Evolve site.
    • UNIQUE! Pyramid Alert! boxes spotlight important nursing concepts and procedures, and include tips and shortcuts for remembering key information.
    • Mnemonics included where appropriate throughout the text.
    • NEW! Thoroughly updated content incorporates clinical updates and reflects the latest NCLEX-RN test plan.
    • NEW! Clinical Judgment Situations test critical thinking skills and feature Next Generation NCLEX item types to assist in applying the skill of clinical judgment.
    • NEW! UPDATED! Bioterrorism content includes information on nuclear radiation.
    • Several NEW prioritizing questions test prioritizing skills.
    • NEW! Pharmacology classifications code with practice questions helps you to focus on specific medication classes.
    • NEW! Special Populations chapter focuses on nursing care of special and vulnerable populations.
    • NEW! Complex Care chapter includes information on sepsis, shock, sedation, critical care nursing interventions, and more.
    • NEW! Health Problem code with every practice question helps you to focus your study on particular topics.
    • NEW! Anemia section added to the Oncological and Hematological Problems chapter.
    • NEW! Systematic case scenario helps you focus on applying health and physical assessment concepts.

    • ناشر Elsevier
    • شابک 9780323358415
    • ویراست هشتم/2020
    • قطع رحلی
    • نوع جلد گالینگور (جلد سخت)
    • تعداد صفحات 1152
    • وزن 2850 گرم
    • مشخصات نویسنده/مترجم
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    سلام، هر دو صحیح هستند فایل اروجینال رو ما داریم که همون 1200 هستش ولی نسخه ای هم که شما دارید درسته فقط دیزاین صفحات فرق داره که تعداد صفحاتش زیاد شده( فایل اروجینال کتاب همانند نسخه اصلی چاپی است)

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